EM starts from here


During data collection process, you can draw an Extended Matrix using any kind of support (digital or not). 

However, in order to connect EM with Blender, a specific digital format of the EM graph (.graphml format) is required. As a response to this need, it is recommended to download yED, a free (non-open source) software useful for producing digital graph.

EM is fully developed for Blender, therefore it is required to install Blender as well to establish a connection between EM and 3D models.

EM stable release: v. 1.3

EM a in few steps:

An official repository of the EM formal language with the present and all the past releases is available here

Change log

EM 1.3 (announcement)

[expand section to

EMF 1.3:

EM 1.2

EMF 1.2:

EM 1.1

Starting from this version, along every new EM, there is a EMF Extended Matrix Framework which includes tools and software to make the use of the Extended Matrix approach smoother and more effective.

EMF 1.1

EM 1.0

EMF 1.0

Experimental features

 If you want to experience some experimental features you need to download (see boxes below):

News from this release: 

Online sharing

The DHILab of the CNR-ISPC of Rome has developed a web-app (EMviq), based on the Aton framework, that allows you to: 

Aton is an Open Source Web3D/WebXR app which is suitable for enhancement and disclosure purposes.

EMviq, which inherits all the features of Aton, includes EM representation functionality and has been developed for scientific purposes.

In order to share online your 3D reconstructions you need to install both Aton 3.0 and EMviq (click on the buttons below and follow the instructions).

Other recommended tools

Hereafter is a list of software that have been developed to ease and improve some steps of the process:

EM-compatible projects

Hereafter is a list of projects that have been connected to EM: