
  • E. Demetrescu (2015), Archaeological stratigraphy as a formal language for virtual reconstruction. Theory and practice. Journal of Archaeological Science 57, pp. 42-55, 2015. [preprint download], [link to Science Direct], [BibTex].
  • E. Demetrescu, D. Ferdani, N. Dell’Unto, A. M. Touati, & S. Lindgren (2016) Reconstructing the original splendour of the House of Caecilius Iucundus. A complete methodology for virtual archaeology aimed at digital exhibition. SCIRES-IT-SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 6(1), 51-66, 2016. [download], [BibTex].
  • E. Demetrescu, B. Fanini (2017), A White-Box Framework to Oversee Archaeological Virtual Reconstructions in Space and Time: Methods and Tools. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 14: 500–514, 2017. [preprint download], [link to Science Direct], [BibTex]
  • E. Demetrescu (2018), “Virtual Reconstruction as a Scientific Tool: The Extended Matrix and Source-Based Modelling Approach.” In Digital Research and Education in Architectural Heritage, 102–116. Springer, 2018. [download], [BibTex]
  • B. Fanini & E. Demetrescu, (2018, July). “Carving Time and Space: A Mutual Stimulation of IT and Archaeology to Craft Multidimensional VR Data-Inspection” in International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Digital Environments for Education, Arts and Heritage (pp. 553-565). Springer, Cham.[BibTex]