This page lists current national and international projects, expo or services employing the ATON framework, starting from the most recent version (3.0).

Merkhet (2024)
“Merkhet” is a Collaborative Immersive Analytics WebXR toolkit, being developed under H2IOSC project as part of pilot 7.7 (“Immersive Analytics and Spatial Interfaces“). It is used in conjunction with Merkhet plugin for ATON, specifically dedicated to capture and track users’ interactive sesssions.

MetaMic app (2024)
MetaMic is a cross-disciplinary research project (Università di Camerino, CNR ISPC, Università di Firenze, Università IUAV-Venezia) involving expertise in the fields of architectural history and design, computer design and computer science. It takes Michelangelo Buonarroti’s unrealised architecture as a case study, but proposes itself as a pilot-experience that can be extended to other cultural objects. MetaMic intends to apply to a digital framework dedicated to cultural content, a few characteristics of the current metaverses: immersiveness in a 3D environment, augmented reality, interactivity, participativeness and FAIR principles.

/imagine (2024)
The WebXR application (“/imagine”) allows users to interact with different generative AI scenes online using a standard web browser, including purely panoramic content (360) and 3D models. Different generative AI services were used and combined for visual, narrative and aural content: this allows to accelerate content-creation pipeline for immersive 3D scenes.
It was on display in ArcheoVirtual 2023 (Paestum, Italy) and TourismA 2024 (Florence, Italy – NOVa space by DTC Lazio)
“100 Year of Science” CNR (2023)
The web-app is a multisensory journey into National Research Council (CNR) scientific research, online version of the exhibit “100 Years of Science” (“La Scienza si fa in 100“). It offers a multimedia experience – accessible on every device and everywhere – dedicated to the behind-the-scenes of the many research activities that have characterized the CNR for a hundred years.

Codex4D web-app (2023)
The Codex4D web-app allows to explore and inspect collections of 3D manuscripts, providing advanced tools to discover hidden information (e.g. infrared data), measure, manipulate lighting settings. It offers interfaces for authenticated professionals to add or edit semantic annotations, which general users can query or filter by category or layer.

DataSpace 3D front-end (2023)
DataSpace is a platform for the sharing, accessing, and long-term conservation of data produced by the Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences. It allows access to innovative digital tools & services to increase the knowledge and enhance the conservation of the Cultural Heritage in an interdisciplinary perspective. A front-end based on ATON is being used to present and interact with 3D datasets
Vani Virtual eXperience (2023)
The web-app, developed under the Bilateral Project 2021-2022 (funded by Italian National Research Council and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation) allows to explore a specific area of the Vani temple-city of historical-archaeological interest: the so-called mosaic floored temple, located a few meters away from the entry gate of Vani and the Archaeological Museum.

Brancacci POV (2022)
Geophysics App @ Festival della Scienza (2022)
This web-app targets Geophysics domain, focusing on interactive exploration of GPR acquisition volumetric data (by CNR ISPC Lecce). The app was part of the expo “I Linguaggi delle Scienze del Patrimonio: dal macro al micro“, part of Festival della Scienza (Genova, Italy)
e-Archeo 3D (2022)
e-Archeo is a large-scale project which brings together research institutions, universities and academies, creative industries and experts in the field of Cultural Heritage in its different branches, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture (MiC) and coordinated by ALES SpA.
e-Archeo 3D (web-app based on ATON) allows to explore 8 archaeological areas, through semantically-enriched 360 scenarios, populated by different multimedia content: texts, videos, images, 3D models of individual artefacts. The exploration of the individual sites is designed to be carried out on site, by visiting the archaeological area in person, or online, from home or from school.
San Massimo App (2022)
The project – focused on the church of San Massimo a Forcona (Italy, AQ) – is part of a research conducted by the ‘teaching of Medieval Archaeology at the University of L’Aquila, with the aim of analyzing sites of great relevance capable of returning useful information on the building patterns present in the city’s territory.
The app allows to explore in 3D or immersive VR a semantically enriched model, including archeaological and typological layers
Arzachena app (2022)
An interactive Web3D guide developed for Arzachena Civiltà Millenaria project allowing the user to interactively explore different archeaological sites (past and present) located in Sardinia (Italy), using mobile or desktop devices
Segni web-app (2022)
An interactive web-app developed on top of ATON framework for #SegniArcheologia project for a virtual tour of Segni town (Italy), between past and present. Suitable for mobile devices and museum kiosks. Check out more on #SegniArcheologia website (italian).

Archeologia & Calcolatori viewer (2021)
The open access journal Archeologia e Calcolatori, since volume 32, issue 1, started using ATON 3.0 to embed interactive previews of 3D models related to articles published by the journal in its website. The models can be viewed in a dedicated page, that includes metadata describing the model.
Montebelluna Web-App (2021)
The web-app allows to explore the Montebelluna Roman smithy and its reconstruction.
H2O Web-App (2021)
A WebXR applied game for Heritage and environmental education targeting distance-learning, being developed in collaboration with free University of Bolzano-Bozen (Faculty of Education and Cognitive and Educational Sciences Lab – CESLab).
EMviq (2020)
Interactive 4D visualization and interrogation tool for Extended Matrices being developed under SSHOC european project.
Version 2.0
REDRASK (2020)
Online 3D puzzle aimed at re-contextualization and gamification of drawings of Beit el Wali nubian temple. The web-app is being developed within B.A.C.K. TO T.H.E. F.U.T.U.RE project, in collaboration with DAD (Dept. of Architecture and Design) of the Turin Polytechnic.

“TourismA” expo (2020)
Web-app to interactively discover the past of the house of Caecilius Jucundus in Pompeii (support of Lund University) and Forum of Augustus in Rome (support of Museum of Imperial Fora) using touch and voice. The technique adopted is the Temporal Lensing, presented at YOCOCU 2020.

NIXAMP (2018)
Scalable web-based architecture (in collaboration with DigiLab Sapienza) for augmentation, dissemination and interactive VR presentation of museums collections with responsive, cross-device VR visualization over local networks. The architecture has been deployed in the Capitoline Museum in Rome.
Version 1.0

Landscape Services (2016)
A set of responsive, cloud-based services to process and present multi-resolution landscapes online, developed for the ARIADNE european infrastructure.
Calore Valley (2016)

“Turn on the History” expo (2016)
3D presenter of objects and archaeological sites developed for “Turn on the History” expo at National Museum of Transylvanian History.