A massive update for WebGL Front-End has been deployed. Here’s a list of improvements and new features
- Improved spherical panoramas handling and support
- Added double-click hotspot feature: user can now double-click any point of the 3D model to smoothly focus camera on target. On mobile tablets and smartphones the same feature is bound to double-tap – try it live!. This feature is very useful on large-scale datasets to adaptively scale and focus targets or specific items
Improved POV (Point-of-View) dialog: now the button shows an drop-down overlay with both permalink (3D scene + POV) and the bbCode – useful for text descriptions. During the exploration of the 3D scene the user can now simply press the POV icon (or press ‘c’) to show the drop-down dialog with current POV information and links ready for online sharing
New embed dialog (similar to POV dialog): it provides HTML code for use in your external web pages, enriching content with an interactive canvas
- Performance boost in several areas
- CSS improvements